Looking to......
Harness your wellness intentions....
Improve your Flexibility.....
Develop lean musculature.....
Enhance your ability to focus.....
Learn stress reduction techniques.....
Zoom into life purpose.....
Guidelines: Attend 20 classes during the month to complete the challenge. Sign up any day of the month and your 30 days begins on that day! For example, sign up Feb. 21st and then you have until March 20th to complete your 20 day challenge! Put your own name on the in-person challenge board (include the date you started your challenge).
Every participant earns a prize for completing 20 days of practice. A drawing will happen each month or after 3 people have completed the challenge for one of the following:
Massage therapy
CSA share through People's Cooperative Market
A free specialty class, eg. Restorative yoga with massage
How do you feel after accomplishing this goal?
I feel a renewed appreciation for all of the instructors, their time and energy to create the this virtual space. And like I need to do it all over again ;)
What did you learn about yourself through this challenge?
This challenge started with the 108 sun salutations and wow was that humbling and heartening. My ‘word’ for that practice was intentionality. I think that I’m continuing to cultivate intention and realize what focusing on intention in immediate, short and long term can have on my mental and physical state.
What advice would you give someone starting this challenge for the first time?
Set your intention for the week, choose preferred classes for your schedule, and identify some to ‘fall back on’ if you have to be flexible with your time throughout the month. Use trying new classes with different instructors as an incentive to get in more classes.
What is your favorite yoga pose at the moment?
Down dog
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I would rather run in the snow than run in the Midwest summer.
How do you feel after accomplishing this goal?
I just started doing yoga in December and made an earnest commitment for January. I am amazed out how different I feel physically in such a short amount of time (stronger, more flexible, improved range of motion). But I've also learned a lot about breathing and I'm using those tools in other areas of my life as well.
What did you learn about yourself through this challenge?
I learned to be more receptive to possibilities.
What advice would you give someone starting this challenge for the first time?
Making a commitment and signing up for classes with someone else, even if virtually, is helpful. Two people can encourage one another and hold one another accountable.
What is your favorite yoga pose at the moment?
Twisted Dancing Sun Bird.
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I have a bit of a crush on Sam Sifton (foodies may get the reference).
How do you feel after accomplishing this goal?
I loved doing this challenge! It was the first time I’ve done it since joining Ekah and I hope to do it again soon.
What did you learn about yourself through this challenge?
I learned that I really can make time for myself, even while being busy at work. It’s a great lesson and I hope to remember it as I head into my super busy season.
What advice would you give someone starting this challenge for the first time?
I found it super helpful to do it with Tamera as we motivated each other to attend each class. If I had done it by myself, I probably would have missed a few classes. So I’d recommend that people buddy up to do it.
What is your favorite yoga pose at the moment?
Oddly, I really like boat poses!
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I like dancing out on our deck in the snow.
How do you feel after accomplishing this goal?
I strive for five every month to stay healthy. It's fun, though, to get the "reward" of knowing I made it! And I like knowing there is a community of folks striving with me!
What did you learn about yourself through this challenge?
That I'm pretty disciplined about making time for yoga class.
What advice would you give someone starting this challenge for the first time?
Attend as many classes as you can -- you'll be glad you did! And if you don't make it, don't beat yourself up. You can try again next month.
What is your favorite yoga pose at the moment?
Boat pose and high to low boat pose transition. It feels AMAZING for my back.
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I didn't learn to hula hoop until I was 50
"The Zoom classes have been such an anchor for me during all of the uncertainty as the world adapts. It has helped me keep a routine, as well as function as a transition period between work time and leisure time, since those lines have become even more blurred since I started working from home. I'm a family therapist, which means I have been providing emotional support for dozens of families. As expected, the emotional needs of my clients has increased drastically since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Strive for Five has served as a mooring for me, keeping me accountable to my own holistic health. I have completed the Strive for Five challenge for both March and April. Part of what it has helped me understand is both when I need to push myself (mentally, physically, or emotionally), as well as when I need to give myself space and time away from practicing with a group. Without the Strive for Five, I may not have learned how to keep a finger on my pulse and adjust to my needs. Just like instructors say in class, take any needed modifications! Strive for Five helped me feel empowered to do just this. Thank you!"
How do you feel after accomplishing this goal?
I feel proud of myself and grateful to be alive in a body that can do such things, to tend to breath, with kindness and discipline and love. I feel more in tune with my body and I feel calmer and happier.
What did you learn about yourself through this challenge?
I learned I can manage my time well. I can make space for my exercise and mindfulness practices almost daily. Often times I will talk myself out of tending to those parts of me because of, well, you know, capitalism and its rewards systems often don't engender such slowing down of self, mostly.
What advice would you give someone starting this challenge for the first time?
You can do it! & if you cannot, that's okay too!
What is your favorite yoga pose at the moment?
BOAT 4 LIFE. Or dancer's pose. So beautiful.
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I am trans-nonbinary & a graduate student in poetry & I just got bangs & I feel super cute & I laid in the sun all afternoon & it was beautiful & it is February!!!!!
"Honestly, I was a little intimidated to start Strive for Five because I knew it meant branching out into classes that I thought were too advanced for me. Having a little team who I saw regularly, though, gave me a sense of accountability and I quickly found out that my body is capable of so much more than the limitations my mind wants to place on it. The worst thing that happened was that I found out that there is room for me to grow and become stronger which... turns out... not so bad.
For those who may be wanting to complete the challenge I’d advise to commit and then honor your commitment. While planning your week (if that’s your thing... and if not, I’d advise that too), sign up for the classes you’d like to attend ahead of time and keep those appointments like you’d keep any other. Show up and roll out that mat!
My favorite yoga pose is anything that stretches out my hips and lower back. And, finally ummm.... fun fact: I have a slight obsession with The Princess Bride and have seen it no less than 3,456,987 times. “As you wish” is tattooed on my left forearm."
"This was such a fun challenge! I certainly feel stronger and more balanced after completing it. Advice to someone starting to strive for five would be to make a plan ahead of time by plugging all the classes you’d like to take into your calendar for the week and using that as a foundation for scheduling other activities around it as a priority. Practicing consistently made me realize how much of an impact it can have on managing stress, acting like a reset button throughout the week."
"I have been practicing yoga regularly since I came to Ekah in October, 2015. At first, I regularly attended class four days per week. After awhile, I realized that practicing more often would help me progress in yoga more quickly. So I was attending five days per week anyway about the time the challenges were implemented. I would like people to know that the more sessions you do, the quicker you will develop more strength and perfect your poses.
My favorite pose right now is warrior one, because of the strength needed to hold it and the beauty of the pose.
I am almost 68 years old and being strong and able to move around more or less gracefully and easily makes me feel good about myself."
"I'm doing good with the challenge. It is difficult at times with my work schedule to fit yoga in but I feel much better the more that I do.
I've never done the challenge so when you asked I thought why not? I am trying to be more active. Turning 50 means a lot of changes in my body and how it looks so feeling good in it makes all of the difference.
I would say to someone starting this to just go for it, you will feel better, not worse. Carve out the time and do something nice for yourself.
My favorite yoga pose.....good old downward dog :)"
"1) Integrating the challenge into my weekly schedule is my secret to making the challenge work. It does take some dedication to put off other activities I might prefer to do after work, but it gave me something to look forward and made my day full and complete.
2) I was motivated to do this challenge again because I knew June was going to be a stressful month for me at work. I wanted to make sure I had something during my personal time that would mark it as distinct from the environment that was causing me stress.
3) Advice I would give to someone starting the challenge for the first time is to figure out which classes work best for your schedule, both in terms of timing and type of practice, and sign up for these classes well in advance. Program them into your calendar before the start of the challenge. You’ll be far more committed to attending if you’re already signed up.
4) My forever-favorite yoga pose is happy baby."
"My thoughts: I feel great! Yoga is a cornerstone of my mental-health routine. Typically I practice 3-4 days a week with days off in between. I noticed that practicing multiple days in a row had exponential mental-health benefits for me. Especially after the third day in a row, I would notice feeling highly relaxed and very calm. I think the frequency also helped deepen my Shavasana meditations. I was able to drop into meditation much more quickly and stay there longer without distraction. Physically, I think I deepened my understanding of poses by practicing so consistently. I feel very strong and more confident attempting difficult poses. I also really appreciated being at Ekah so much and being surrounded by the loving community there. It is such a welcome respite from the cold doldrums of winter here. It was challenging to fit in so much yoga alongside my full-time school and part-time jobs (not to mention friends and volunteer commitments), but the challenge (and the reward of a badly-needed haircut) kept me going. I'd seen many Strive for Fives come and go at Ekah without even thinking I could pull it off. I'm so glad I did it. A great way to ring in 2019. I'd absolutely do it again!"
"I have been practicing yoga on and off since 2005. It's fun to try different classes. The only advice I would give is to plan ahead and sign up for classes the week before. Favorite yoga position right now is child pose. I was first introduced to yoga by taking a class at IU." - Mike
"Thanks for strive for 5. This is a great motivator for me to come to class. It makes it somehow easier to make time for something that is important to me. I tried a 6am class even though I am never up that early and LOVED it. Strive for 5 is a great thing individually but also motivates my partner to work out with me. Classes at Ekah are a great thing to look forward to doing together. My favorite class right now is Kettle Bells. I was super intimidated before because I've only lifted weights once with a friend. Jessica helps a lot and she ensures that you have the right form. The class is also fun because of the people who regularly attend. It is my favorite class because the next day my posture is so much better. " - Jamie
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